I have officially fallen in love…with the city, the people, and the way of life of Guadalajara. Saying goodbye was not easy! Not surprisingly it involved a lot of tears between Court and I as well as our senora, Ivette, Maris, Melissa, Tina, Santiago, Tia Georgina, y todos. We didn’t want to leave just as much as they didn’t want us to leave. This has truly been an amazing experience and I am so grateful for every minute I spent in Guad this summer. The people I met and the friendships I made will for sure last a lifetime!
Final places we made sure to visit included a trip to the Bimbo factory where we watched all of our favorite sweets being made and packaged before getting to taste test freshly made dulces. On Wednesday with the human encyclopedia, we took a tour of the Panteón de Belén, this cemetery was built in the 1800’s for the wealthy to be placed. Graves were huge above ground mini castles with fine details. The more wealthy the family the bigger the grave was and with more statues to decorate the tomb. La familia del Cuervo (Jose Cuervo- the Tequila) are all resting here. Also, over the last 2 weeks, we tried out a couple new bars and clubs. One of them, Old Jack’s, is a live rock bar where they have some really good performers come play. It was a good time; more relaxed then some of the clubs. I also finally got to hang out with my good friend from school, Jose, so that was nice! Saw a couple good movies including the new Twilight movie, Eclipse, and for so cheap, such a lovely afternoon activity!! Went to this fun cute city with of course another beautiful church to go to one of Maris’ favorite jazz bars.
Last Saturday, we got up early to head up the mountain to a city called Tapalpa in the family van. This old city is again with the rocky narrow streets, a big cathedral, and lots of fun shopping! The buildings line the street in their old fashion white facade and wooden balconies. We walked around for a bit before going to have desayuno (breakfast) and the best homemade hot chocolate I have ever had! After breakfast we headed up the hill a little farther to go see these enormous rocks. Of course I had to go climb them! It was very fun despite the rain. After the big rocks we headed back into the city for comida y churros con cajeta and some more shopping! Overall, it was a lovely family day where of course we were spoiled.
Everyday we find ourselves asking the same question, “What it’s already … time, when did that happen.” For being in the most laid back city ever, time just seems to get lost. Our final week of course flew by just like all the rest of them, This week was different though we wanted to live it up but we had finals…yeah, I was suppose to be taking classes this whole time…? What? Well, yeah so I had an enormous 40 percent of my grade paper due Saturday, a photography and management final and two final photo portfolios due. But, don’t worry too much, we still managed to have a lot of fun! Tuesday we went back to San Juan de Dios to look at the long street of straight up jewelry, if I don’t have to go jewelry shopping again for a year I will be happy. O I also got my nails done…muy bonita, gracias Maris…haha she lost a bet and had to treat me! Wednesday was Courtney’s birthday so we went out Tuesday and Wednesday night, until…well you don’t want to know what time we got home both mornings. But, it was a good party. But, then before we knew it, it was our last night here. Last night was filled with tears as we said goodbye to all of our amazing primos Santiago, Fernando, and Javier.
So classes in Mexico are about like their lifestyle really relaxed. You are allowed to be 10 minutes late without being considered late. If your phone rings during class, by all means get up and answer it and don’t feel rushed to come back until the conversation is over. If the teacher has plans, no class that day, if he wants to make a phone call during class, the whole class gets a break.
A joke upon return to Colorado will be having to do things for myself again. Literally, I have not been allowed to help out with anything. Princessa! My food and drink is brought to me at the table, my plate is cleared and washed for me. My room and bathroom was cleaned once a week, and the crazy thing is these were not negotiable, this was how things worked. As a going away present our senora gave us our favorite dessert in the world Cajeta con Gallentas!! YUM! And of course, a bottle of Jalisco Tequila!
Things I have learned: slow down, life is precious, is it really necessary to always be in such a hurry? Stay out late, “este noche es joven,” you can always sleep in another day to make up for it. Have long, late dinners talking about anything and everything, and yes I can now kind of carry on a conversation in Spanish! Greeting people with a nice kiss on the check is comforting. Because it is always the same every time, I do not even think twice about it now, I walk into a room and greet every person in it the same way. I learned to sing loud and crazy, cause who cares what you sound like, Maris!! O and Mexicans, they always have something to say, there is never a time when there is not a story to be told. A phone is not a necessity, in fact it is kind of nice not having one. Tacos at 4 am are the best thing ever!
Things I am excited to go home for: normal food at normal hours! Making my own schedule of when I want to do things and when I don’t. Not getting ready to go out 4 + times a week! Making money not spending it. Putting toilet paper in the toilet. And, well I guess seeing all of you! Thank for reading this summer and sharing in on my amazing journey! Hasta tarde en Salamanca, Espana!
I have felt great love here, gracias senora por todos. Y mi familia Mexicana, Te recordaré por siempre y regrasando por la boda de Maris whenever that might be y even antes de una boda porque Tepeyac will always be mi casa de México! ☺